
Please select below for the contact details which best suit your requirements:

General Enquiries


Genealogical and Historical Research

Tours and Visits

Corporate Events

Associate Membership

Education Programme

Brethren, Members, Apprentices and Staff


Guild of Freemen of Trinity House

General Enquiries

Enquiries of a general or administrative nature should be directed to:

The Office Administrator
The Corporation of Trinity House
Broad Chare
Newcastle upon Tyne

Our telephone number is: 0191-2328226  (Tuesday and Thursday mornings only, or leave a message on our answerphone at other times and we will call you back)

Our general e-mail address is: enquiries@trinityhousenewcastle.org.uk

Click here to return to the top of the page.


The Corporation of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House is registered for the following activities:

Our VAT number is: 177986685

Our registered charity no. in England & Wales is:  243369

Genealogical and Historical Research


Before contacting the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House on matters of family, local or maritime history, please read the following:

We hold records on:

  • Brethren, Members and Servants of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House, past and present
  • the buildings on the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House site and those owned by the Corporation at other locations
  • the history of the Corporation of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House
  • district pilots of ports between Berwick upon Tweed and Whitby (when under the control of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House)
  • deep-sea pilots licensed by the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House
  • inshore navigational marks, that is buoys and beacons, historically within the jurisdiction of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House
  • vessels trading into the river Tyne (limited historical information)
  • residents of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House alms houses
  • schoolmasters and pupils at the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House school
  • Company Keepers and Apprentices of the Guild of Freemen of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House
  • charitable activity of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House

The House also has a private library, the principal areas of which include:

  • journals and memoirs from the voyages of exploration of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries
  • local history
  • historic nautical textbooks
  • historic maritime atlases
  • shipping company histories
  • personal and historic religious volumes
  • historic gazetteers and periodicals

Kindly note that we do not hold records on individual seamen (unless there is a connection with the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House) or on ships generally.  May we instead refer you to the following alternative sources of information:

  • The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU  tel: 020 8876 3444.  Please click here to access their webpage containing guidance on research into the Merchant Navy.
  • The National Maritime Museum, Romney Road, Greenwich, London SE10 9NF.  tel: 020 8858 4422.  Please click here to access their webpage containing various Merchant Navy research guides.
  • The Merseyside Maritime Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool L3 4AQ  tel: 0151 478 4499.  Please click here to access their webpage containing guidance on research into the Merchant Navy.
  • The Registry of Shipping and Seamen (RSS), MCA Cardiff, Anchor Court, Ocean Way, Cardiff CF24 5JW.  tel: 02920 448800

For local history, please refer to the following:

  • Tyne and Wear Archive Service, Blandford House, Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JA.  tel: 0191 277 2248.  Please click here to access their website.

Please note that the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House is not responsible for content or operation of external websites accessed through this site.

If, having satisfied the above criteria, you do have a genealogical or historical enquiry, please contact the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House in writing, giving as much information as possible.  Please email  enquiries@trinityhousenewcastle.org.uk  and mark your message ‘for the attention of the Researcher’ or write to:

The Researcher
The Corporation of Trinity House
Broad Chare
Newcastle upon Tyne

Short enquiries will normally receive a basic response.  If more involved research is required, we reserve the right to make a charge.  We will always contact you first if this is the case and will not undertake any such research without advising you of the costs involved and securing your written agreement beforehand.  Click here to return to the top of the page.

Tours and Visits

Admission to the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House is strictly by prior arrangement only.

Guided tours can be arranged for groups of 10 or more, subject to the availability of the premises and the staff, for which a charge of £7.50 per head is normally made.  We suggest you allow around one-and-a-half to two hours for a standard visit.

Please be advised that the listed buildings of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House do include steps which may present some difficulties to our less mobile visitors.

To make arrangements or request further information, please contact the Office Administrator at Trinity House at enquiries@trinityhousenewcastle.org.uk  or write to:

The Office Administrator
The Corporation of Trinity House
Broad Chare
Newcastle upon Tyne

Our telephone number is: 0191-2328226  (Tuesday and Thursday mornings only, or leave a message on our answerphone at other times and we will call you back)

(For school and other educational visits, please see the applicable section below).   Click here to return to the top of the page.

Corporate Events

(Please click here to transfer to the Corporate Entertainment page for more information about the facilities).

If you would like to progress an enquiry, please contact the Office Administrator at enquiries@trinityhousenewcastle.org.uk  or write to:

The Office Administrator
The Corporation of Trinity House
Broad Chare
Newcastle upon Tyne

Our telephone number is: 0191-2328226  (Tuesday and Thursday mornings only, or leave a message on our answerphone at other times and we will call you back)

Click here to return to the top of the page.

Education Programme

(Please click here to transfer to the Education page for more details on the programme).

If you wish to make or confirm arrangements as part of the Education programme or would like further information, please email  enquiries@trinityhousenewcastle.org.uk  and mark your message ‘for the attention of the Education Warden’, or write to:

The Education Warden
The Corporation of Trinity House
Broad Chare
Newcastle upon Tyne

Our telephone number is: 0191-2328226

Our e-mail address is: enquiries@trinityhousenewcastle.org.uk

Click here to return to the top of the page.

Brethren, Members, Apprentices and Staff

(Brethren, Members, Apprentices and Staff may also log in to their own secure area of the website).  Click here to return to the top of the page.


(Deep-Sea Pilots licensed by the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House may also log in to their own secure area of the website).  Click here to return to the top of the page.

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